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Caretaker conventions now in place

Ahead of the 2025 federal election the Australian Government has assumed a caretaker role.

We are operating in accordance with caretaker conventions

Commissions and inquiries

Inquiry into the Appointment of the Former Prime Minister to Administer Multiple Departments

On 26 August 2022, the Hon Virginia Bell AC was appointed to conduct an inquiry into the appointment of former prime minister, the Hon Scott Morrison MP, to administer departments other than the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and related matters (the Ministries Inquiry).

Ms Bell provided her report to the Prime Minister, the Hon Anthony Albanese MP, on 25 November 2022.

Read the Ministries Inquiry Report

Other key documents on the National Library of Australia’s Trove web archive.

National Commissioner for Defence and Veteran Suicide Prevention

The National Commissioner for Defence and Veteran Suicide Prevention (NCDVSP) was an independent position created to inquire into, and support the prevention of, suicide in the Australian Defence and Veteran community.

On 15 September 2021, Dr Boss presented her report to the former government about her Independent Review of Past Defence and Veteran Suicides.

You can read other content produced by the NCDVSP, including terms of reference, round table summaries and documents on the National Library of Australia's Trove web archive.