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Caretaker conventions now in place

Ahead of the 2025 federal election the Australian Government has assumed a caretaker role.

We are operating in accordance with caretaker conventions


We give grants to state and territory governments, local councils and community organisations to support a range of law and justice initiatives.

We manage our grants program in line with the Commonwealth Grants Rules and Guidelines and our grants management guidelines.

Apply for a grant

Visit GrantConnect to find any of our current and upcoming grant opportunities. You will need to apply for these grants in accordance with the instructions contained in the respective Grant Opportunity Guidelines published on GrantConnect.

Find out more about our current grant programs by visiting the GrantConnect website.

Grant Connect, the Australian Government's grant information system, is the authoritative source of information in relation to all grant opportunities and grant opportunity guidelines.

The Attorney-General's Department operates a range of grant programs including the Commonwealth legal financial assistance scheme. That scheme covers funding that helps people to meet legal representation and disbursements costs in proceedings involving Commonwealth law, or in circumstances that give rise to a special Commonwealth public interest, and where legal aid is not available. This includes schemes that cover Royal Commissions, Native Title Respondent funding, overseas child abduction and serious overseas criminal matters.

Download a record of historical grants

Visit GrantConnect to access records of grants approved after 31 December 2017.

Download a record of grants approved before 31 December 2017.