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Caretaker conventions now in place

Ahead of the 2025 federal election the Australian Government has assumed a caretaker role.

We are operating in accordance with caretaker conventions

Legal assistance services

There are a range of services that can help people with a legal problem. These services are delivered by legal assistance providers. Each of these providers deliver different levels of legal information and advice.

The Attorney-General and the Attorney-General’s Department cannot provide people with legal advice or provide them with a lawyer.

Legal aid commissions

Legal aid commissions are independent statutory bodies. Legal aid commissions provide a range of services, including information, legal advice and representation in courts and tribunals. Information and services including telephone advice are often free of charge. However, to be eligible for representation through a grant of aid, applicants must satisfy means and merits tests set by legal aid commissions.

There is a legal aid commission in each state and territory:

Find out more about legal aid commissions at the National Legal Aid website.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services (ATSILS) are Aboriginal Community-Controlled Organisations. ATSILS deliver free and culturally appropriate legal assistance services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, including advice, representation, information and referrals.

There is an ATSILS provider in each state and territory (with the same provider servicing NSW and the ACT):

Find out more about ATSILS at the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services website.

Community Legal Centres

Community legal centres are independent, community-managed, non-profit services that provide a range of assistance on legal and related matters to people experiencing disadvantage and/or with special needs.

Community legal centres are a key component of Australia's legal assistance system. They complement and extend the services provided by legal aid commissions and the private profession.

Find out more about community legal centres at the Community Legal Centres Australia website.

Specialist domestic violence services

The Australian Government provides funding for legal assistance providers to deliver specialist family and domestic violence legal services. These services help people affected by family and domestic violence who may otherwise be unable to access the support they need.

Family Violence Prevention and Legal Services

Family Violence Prevention and Legal Services provide culturally safe, wrap-around legal assistance and non-legal support services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander survivors and victims of family, domestic and sexual violence and their families and relevant kinship.

Family Violence Prevention and Legal Services are currently funded under the Indigenous Advancement Strategy, and will transition to the National Access to Justice Partnership (NAJP) on 1 July 2025.

Find out more at the First Nations Advocates Against Family Violence website.

Women’s Legal Services

Women’s Legal Services specialise in providing legal assistance and non-legal support services to women. This includes legal representation, support and advocacy.

Find out more at the Women’s Legal Services Australia website.

Legal Aid Schemes and Services Approval 2023

The Legal Aid Schemes and Services Approval 2023 allows people who receive legal assistance from the providers listed within it to be exempt from court fees (e.g. document filing or service provision fees).

Commonwealth legal financial assistance

The Australian Government provides Commonwealth legal financial assistance for people who need help with a Commonwealth law matter or an overseas legal matter who do not qualify for assistance from legal aid.