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Caretaker conventions now in place

Ahead of the 2025 federal election the Australian Government has assumed a caretaker role.

We are operating in accordance with caretaker conventions

Client Service Charter

The department delivers programs and policies to maintain and improve Australia's law and justice framework. We also provide legal services to the Commonwealth, including legal advice and representation.

This service charter is our commitment to providing high quality policy advice and services to government and members of the public.

As our clients and stakeholders interact with us in a variety of ways, this charter is necessarily broad. In recognising the diversity of our stakeholders, we:

  • communicate in plain English
  • ensure our documents and procedures are straightforward
  • ensure our public information meets accessibility requirements.

Our values

We conduct ourselves in accordance with the Australian Public Service Code of Conduct and the Australian Public Service Values, which can be found on the Australian Public Service Commission website.

While demonstrating respect, professionalism, honesty and integrity we are:

  • apolitical, objective and impartial in our decision-making
  • accountable, and observe sound business practices in accordance with the Public Service Act 1999 and other legislation.

Our service standards

Committed to achieving and maintaining a high level of service in all areas, we:

  • behave ethically, impartially and accept responsibility for our actions
  • inform our clients and stakeholders about, and explain, decisions that affect them
  • provide information to assist our clients and stakeholders understand government policies.

We will reply to correspondence in a timely manner – generally within 28 days of receipt.

Privacy and access to information

We respect the confidentiality of personal information and use it only in accordance with the law. If you consider that we have breached the privacy statement, you can contact the Director of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Section – see details below. You also have the right to complain to the Privacy Commissioner on 1300 363 992.

Access to documents in the possession of the department will be provided, subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 1982. Send requests to:

Freedom of Information and Privacy Section
Strategy and Governance
Attorney-General's Department
3-5 National Circuit

How you can help us

You can help us deliver a high standard of service by:

  • providing us with timely, necessary and accurate information
  • being courteous and respectful.

Enquiries and feedback

We welcome feedback on our performance in achieving the standards outlined in this service charter. You can submit enquiries and feedback online.

If you are dissatisfied with our response, you can email the Commonwealth Ombudsman at or call 1300 362 072. More information is also available on the Commonwealth Ombudsman website.
