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Caretaker conventions now in place

Ahead of the 2025 federal election the Australian Government has assumed a caretaker role.

We are operating in accordance with caretaker conventions

Pacific law and justice program

Consistent with the Australian Government's International Development Policy for a Peaceful, Stable and Prosperous Indo-Pacific, support for effective law and justice systems is essential to Australia's strategic priority of ensuring effective and accountable states in the region including assisting Pacific partners to combat threats to community safety, stability and security. Our department works in partnership to strengthen criminal and policing frameworks in the Pacific by supporting Pacific law and justice agencies to develop and implement laws that respond to law and justice priorities for the region.

Our department leads Australia's contribution to the Pacific Islands Law Officers' Network, a regional network of senior Pacific law and justice officials promoting justice and the rule of law, by sharing expertise and experiences and strengthening regional cooperation on key law and justice issues. The PILON Secretariat is based in Apia, Samoa.

We also work with individual Pacific island countries to provide strategic technical assistance on legal reform projects. Each year, our department runs training and development programs to help strengthen the policy skills of Pacific law and justice and police officers. These programs are part of our department's involvement in the Pacific Police Development Program (PPDP), which we deliver in partnership with the Australian Federal Police to improve operational effectiveness of Pacific policing organisations.

General information about our programs is available on the following pages:

Under the Pacific Law and Justice Program, we aim to forge partnerships of respect, draw on Australia’s strengths and support locally led change.

Contact details

Pacific Branch
3-5 National Circuit BARTON ACT 2600