Work with us
What we do
Our department is structured into 5 groups:
- Australian Government Solicitor
- Justice and Communities
- Integrity and International
- National Security and Criminal Justice Group
- Enabling Services.
Through these groups we aim to create a just and secure society for all Australians.
We do this by providing high quality legal services to government. Deliver programs to maintain and improve Australia's law and justice frameworks. And develop policies to encourage fair, flexible and safe workplaces.
These activities affect the lives of everyone in Australia and Australians overseas.
Our people
Our people come from all walks of life.
They help us deliver our programs and policies in areas such as:
- civil justice
- family law and legal assistance
- criminal justice
- international law
- native title
- royal commissions
- corporate services.
We're always seeking new people who can contribute their skills and creativity.
Why work with us
We want people who can excel in our complex and diverse environment.
If you enjoy a challenge and want to work in an organisation that will invest in your future, apply to work with us.
We offer a range of exciting benefits, including:
Generous leave entitlements.
- Christmas shutdown period from Christmas Day to the first working day after New Year's Day
- 6 days personal leave on engagement plus 14 days personal leave credit in the first year of service
- 4 weeks annual leave credit for each year of service
- extra leave entitlements including compassionate leave, carers leave and community work leave.
We commit to work life balance.
- access to flexible working arrangements including part time, job share and remote working
- ability to work part-time and from home with AGD issued laptops
- 'In the loop' newsletter when staff go on long term leave – including support during leave and when preparing to return
- flexible working hours arrangements for executive level staff
- flex time for APS 1-6 employees.
Access a range of benefits and entitlements.
- access to onsite child care in Canberra
- superannuation contributions of 15.4% of fortnightly salary
- capped reimbursement for approved fitness equipment including clothing and footwear
- reimbursement of eyeglass lenses for screen-based work
- free annual flu shot
- flexible salary packaging.
Study assistance
We value education and knowledge.
- generous study and financial assistance for approved programs
- up to 5 hours of study leave per week.
Employee networks
We promote equal opportunity and celebrate diversity.
- AGD Women's Network – for employees interested in opportunities and experiences for women in the department
- PRIDE Network – increases awareness and understanding of LGBTIQ and supports diversity initiatives
- Celebrating Ability Network – for people with disability and those who care for someone with disability
- Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Network – celebrates cultural and language diversity in the department
- Indigenous Employee Network – supports its members and offers advice to the department on issues affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff
- support – Harassment Contact Officers provide support to employees on perceived unlawful discrimination, harassment or bullying.
Personal and professional progression
Attractive opportunities to advance your career.
- competitive salary, including salary advancement through performance cycles
- secondment opportunities
- move within the department by applying for vacancies only open to internal staff.
Learning and development
Expand your knowledge, skills and experience.
- free onsite training
- regular guest speakers from Australia and abroad
- be part of fundraisers, with events inside and outside the department.
Our culture
We embrace diversity and inclusion and value the contribution and experience of all our people.
We encourage applications from:
- people with culturally diverse backgrounds
- Indigenous Australians
- people with disability.
AGD is a proud Gold Member of the Australian Network on Disability and the Diversity Council of Australia.

Learn more about our diversity and inclusion actions.
Find out about our diversity programs.
Download our enterprise agreement
The enterprise agreement contains information about our terms of employment.
Apply for a role
To apply to work with us, see our current vacancies.
If you are a graduate, you may want to apply for our graduate program.
We also offer other employment programs.
Get more information
Call our HR Assist team on 02 6141 6111 (option 2) between 8.30am and 5.00pm AET, or email us.
Contact details
HR Assist
02 6141 6111
Outside Australia: +61 2 6141 6111
3–5 National Circuit BARTON ACT 2600