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Caretaker conventions now in place

Ahead of the 2025 federal election the Australian Government has assumed a caretaker role.

We are operating in accordance with caretaker conventions

Regulatory Reform

Regulatory reform and regulator performance

Australian Government entities that perform regulatory functions, including stand-alone regulators and those located within policy departments, are required to report against principles of best practice through their corporate plans and annual reports. This reporting forms one part of the government’s broader regulatory stewardship, the goal of which is to improve regulator performance, capability and culture.

Information and updates on the government’s Regulatory Reform Agenda are available on the Department of Finance Regulatory Reform website.

Ministerial Statements of Expectation and Agency Statements of Intent

As part of the government’s regulator performance framework, Ministerial Statements of Expectations (MSoEs) are issued by the responsible minister to regulators within their portfolios. MSoEs are intended to provide greater clarity about government policies and objectives relevant to the regulator, in line with its statutory objectives. MSoEs should also outline priorities the minister expects the regulator to observe in conducting its operations.

Following receipt of an MSoE, each regulator is required to respond with a Statement of Intent, which outlines how the regulator will ensure delivery of the minister’s expectations.

Download a copy of the Attorney-General’s Statement of Expectations and the Attorney-General’s Department’s Statement of Intent:

Attorney-General’s Statement of Expectations 2023

Attorney-General’s Statement of Intent 2023