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Caretaker conventions now in place

Ahead of the 2025 federal election the Australian Government has assumed a caretaker role.

We are operating in accordance with caretaker conventions

Seeking access to a child overseas

When a parent or guardian lives in a different country to their child, access arrangements may be needed to ensure they can still contact their child.

Access arrangements can include visits by the parent, email, phone and video calls.

If your child is in another country, and you are being denied access by the other parent, you may wish to make an application under the Hague Convention for access to your child.

The Hague Convention provides a process through which a parent can seek to have access orders made in the child's home country allowing them to have access with their child.

If your child has been abducted, visit the International child abduction page.

Application process for access to a child overseas

If you are seeking access to a child in a country that is a member of the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, the Australian Central Authority may be able to assist you.

For a list of member countries, visit the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction page.

Australia also has bilateral agreements with Egypt and Lebanon. If your child is in another country, you may want to seek private legal advice in that country about your options.

You can find more information about making an access application in the following documents:

There are other agencies and organisations that can assist you during this application process. This may include support with preparing an application, financial assistance and legal advice.

For more details, visit the Support and assistance page or Questions about international child abduction and access page.

Completed applications can be sent to the Australian Central Authority at:

International Family Law Section
Attorney-General's Department
3–5 National Circuit

Application process for access to a child in Australia

If you are seeking access to a child located in Australia, the Australian Central Authority may be able to assist you. The Australian Central Authority can assist in identifying and funding a non-government organisation to provide international family mediation, for the purpose of allowing an amicable resolution to be reached about access to the child.

You can find more information about making an access application in the following documents:

Bilateral agreements with Egypt and Lebanon

Australia has bilateral agreements on international parental child access with Egypt and Lebanon. These are known as the Australia-Egypt Agreement and the Australia-Lebanon Agreement.

More information about how these agreements work and how applications are processed is available in the following documents:

Application forms for each agreement are available below. Each form includes a statutory declaration form which must be submitted with your completed application.

For more information on statutory declarations, including who can witness your form, visit the statutory declarations page.

For more information about the application process, contact the Australian Central Authority on 1800 100 480 or email

Contact details

International Family Law Section
Attorney-General's Department
3–5 National Circuit BARTON ACT 2600