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Caretaker conventions now in place

Ahead of the 2025 federal election the Australian Government has assumed a caretaker role.

We are operating in accordance with caretaker conventions

Children’s Contact Services Reform

Children's Contact Services (CCSs) occupy a unique and important position within Australia's family law system. Their core business focuses on the needs of children whose parents are separating or separated and who cannot manage contact arrangements.

The government is committed to ensuring the safety of families who access family law services and to maintaining high service standards within the sector. This is why we are exploring options for implementing a CCS accreditation scheme.

Public consultation

Consultation submissions

In March 2021 we released the consultation paper Establishment of an Accreditation Scheme for Children's Contact Services. It sought the views of a range of stakeholders to help inform the possible establishment of an CCS accreditation scheme.

The consultation closed on 28 May 2021. Read a summary report of all the submissions along with copies of submissions we had permission to publish.

Consultation workshops

In response to the submissions we received, we hosted a series of virtual workshops with interested stakeholders. Workshops discussed issues related to the development of an accreditation scheme.

Each session facilitated discussion focused on a specific theme around understanding the real life impacts of accreditation. The 6 topics explored were:

  1. The scope of the Children's Contact Services accreditation scheme and responsibility for administration.
  2. Complaints mechanisms and penalties for operating without accreditation.
  3. Staff qualification requirements and ongoing professional development requirements.
  4. Other human resources-related issues.
  5. Service standards and offerings.
  6. Safety requirements including the physical environment and evidence requirements.

We are using the information gained during the workshops to inform our further considerations.

Contact details

CCS Accreditation
Attorney-General's Department
3–5 National Circuit