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Caretaker conventions now in place

Ahead of the 2025 federal election the Australian Government has assumed a caretaker role.

We are operating in accordance with caretaker conventions

Manage your registration

How to keep us updated or tell us if you plan to retire as a Commonwealth-registered marriage celebrant.

Use the self-service portal

Our self-service portal makes it easy to manage your registration online.

In the portal, you can:

If you have problems accessing or using the portal, email us.

Download tips to help you use the self-service portal

Keep us updated

You should keep us updated if your personal circumstances change.

This includes:

  • new contact details
  • change in occupation
  • new business interests
  • criminal convictions

You should also tell the registry of births, deaths and marriages in your state or territory if your contact details change.

Resign / retire as a marriage celebrant

You can ask us to remove you from the register of marriage celebrants if you are retiring, resigning or becoming a minister of religion.

You can also tell us if a family member who was a marriage celebrant has passed away. Requests must be in writing (email us) or you can resign by using the self-service portal.

We will tell you in writing when we have processed your request.

After we process your request, you cannot solemnise marriages in Australia anymore and your registration is not able to be reinstated.

Keep your records

When you retire as a celebrant, any Form 15 marriage certificates must be:

  • destroyed
  • given or sold to another authorised marriage celebrant

They cannot be given to someone who is not an authorised marriage celebrant.

If you give or sell them to another authorised marriage celebrant, you should write:

  • the authorised marriage celebrant’s name
  • the number of each Form 15 you gave them

You should also write the number of each Form 15 that you destroy and make a note that it was destroyed.

After you stop being a marriage celebrant, you must keep these records for 6 years:

  • record of use form for Form 15 certificates
  • completed official certificates of marriage, unless you are a minister of religion

Ministers of religion need to add their official certificates of marriage to either the:

  • parish or district where the marriage was performed
  • records of the church where the marriage happened
  • records of the religious body or organisation

What we do with your private information after you retire

Find out how we treat your private information under the Marriage Celebrants Program.

Contact details

Marriage Law and Celebrants Section
1800 550 343
Outside Australia: +61 2 6141 3111
3–5 National Circuit BARTON ACT 2600