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Caretaker conventions now in place

Ahead of the 2025 federal election the Australian Government has assumed a caretaker role.

We are operating in accordance with caretaker conventions

Professional development

Commonwealth-registered marriage celebrants must complete professional development every calendar year.

Professional development

All Commonwealth-registered marriage celebrants must complete professional development activities each calendar year.

We will email you when the compulsory activities are available to complete.

Complete these activities in the online self-service portal. If you cannot access the portal, we can send them to you by email or hard copy.

Your responsibilities for professional development

You must complete the compulsory professional development activities by 31 December each calendar year.

If you do not complete your compulsory professional development activities we may impose a disciplinary measure, unless you were granted a professional development exemption.

Disciplinary measures may include:

  • a caution
  • additional professional development
  • suspension
  • deregistration.

There are no elective activities. However, you can undertake further professional development if you wish to do so.

Any additional training you undertake will not be counted towards your compulsory professional development activities and will not be carried over to the next calendar year.

Exemptions from compulsory professional development activities

If you received a Certificate IV in Celebrancy in the 12 months before you registered as a celebrant, you are exempt from professional development for the calendar year of your registration.

We may also exempt you from completing the professional development activities if you are registered towards the end of a calendar year.

You don't have to apply for these exemptions. We will tell you in your registration email if you are exempt for these reasons.

If you don't meet either of these criteria, you must complete your professional development activities or apply for an exemption.

Contact details

Marriage Law and Celebrants Section
1800 550 343
Outside Australia: +61 2 6141 3111
35 National Circuit BARTON ACT 2600