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Caretaker conventions now in place

Ahead of the 2025 federal election the Australian Government has assumed a caretaker role.

We are operating in accordance with caretaker conventions

Recognised religious denominations

For the purposes of the Marriage Act 1961.

Many religious organisations allow their ministers to perform marriage ceremonies.

For ministers to legally perform a ceremony, the organisation must:

The Marriage (Recognised Denominations) Proclamation 2018 lists all religious organisations recognised for the purposes of the Marriage Act.

Ministers of religion not associated with a recognised denomination may be authorised as a Commonwealth-registered marriage celebrant or religious marriage celebrant through the Marriage Celebrants Program.

Marriage stationery

Authorised marriage celebrants including ministers of religion can download marriage forms.

Becoming a recognised denomination

Religious organisations may apply for proclamation as a recognised denomination under the Marriage Act 1961.

The guidelines on how to become a recognised denomination were revised in May 2013. More information is available in the following information sheet:

Applications should be sent to:

Attn: Marriage Law and Celebrants Section
Attorney-General's Department
3–5 National Circuit

For more information about recognised denominations, email​​​

Contact details

Marriage Law and Celebrants Section
1800 550 343
Outside Australia: +61 2 6141 3111
3-5 National Circuit BARTON ACT 2600