Respect@Work Council

Everyone has the right to be free from sexual harassment in the workplace.
The Respect@Work Council was established as a key recommendation of the Australian Human Rights Commission’s Respect@Work: National Inquiry into Sexual Harassment in Australian Workplaces (the Respect@Work report).
The Respect@Work Council brings together leaders from key government regulators and policy makers responsible for sexual harassment policies and complaint handling. They do this together with employer groups, worker representatives, community organisations and other experts, to improve coordination, consistency and clarity across existing legal and regulatory frameworks.
The Respect@Work Council aims to identify ways to promote safer workplaces through its role advising on the implementation of key recommendations from the Respect@Work Report. The Respect@Work Council provides expert advice to governments as appropriate on workplace sexual harassment matters, including proposals for policy and legislative change.
Respect@Work Council Terms of Reference
The Respect@Work Council consists of the following members:
- Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Australian Human Rights Commission
- General Manager, Fair Work Commission
- Fair Work Ombudsman
- CEO, Safe Work Australia
- Chair, Heads of Workplace Safety Authorities
- Chair, Heads of Workers' Compensation Authorities
- Chair, Australian Council of Human Rights Authorities
- CEO, Workplace Gender Equality Agency
- Deputy Secretary, Integrity and International Group, Attorney-General's Department.
- Director, Council of Small Business Organisations Australia
- CEO, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- CEO, Ai Group
- President, Australian Council of Trade Unions
- Executive Director, Community Legal Centres Australia
- Director, Kingsford Legal Centre
- Board Member, Business Council of Australia
- Assistant National Secretary, Australian Services Union
- Assistant National Secretary, Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees’ Association
- President, United Workers Union
- Secretary, Community and Public Sector Union
- Director, Working Women’s Centre South Australia
- Director, National Women’s Safety Alliance
- Representative, Australian Women Lawyers
- CEO, Diversity Council Australia.
The Respect@Work Industry Forum 2023
The Respect@Work Industry Forum was held on 3 April 2023 in Melbourne.
The forum was held to discuss the implementation of key legislative and regulatory reforms to better prevent and address workplace sexual harassment. The forum discussed the new positive duty and enforcement functions in the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 and the Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 and provided details on the new prohibition against sexual harassment in the Fair Work Act 2009. It was also an opportunity to showcase industry initiatives that have been implemented to tackle sexual harassment.
The forum hosted a diverse range of stakeholders including:
- business and industry representatives
- employee representatives
- Respect@Work Council members
- government representatives
- legal professionals
- academics
- representatives of advocacy organisations.
Read a summary and watch a recording of the forum
The Respect@Work Council Forum 2022
The Respect@Work Council Forum was held on 7 July 2022 in Sydney. The forum was facilitated by then council chair, Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins AO, and was an opportunity to reflect on the council's work, highlight progress and achievements to date, and discuss future priorities. The forum also featured panel sessions reflecting on the challenges people who experience workplace sexual harassment face in navigating the system. and the role of leadership in creating safer workplaces.
Read a summary and view photos of the forum
Read the Attorney-General's media release and speech and the Respect@Work Council’s media release.
Annual Report
The Respect@Work Council was required by its establishing Terms of Reference (2021) to deliver two Annual Reports on its operations and the delivery of its responsibilities.
For information about the Respect@Work Council’s current priorities and operations, please contact the Secretariat at
Media enquiries
Media enquiries concerning the Respect@Work Council should be directed to the Attorney-General's Department media team.