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Caretaker conventions now in place

Ahead of the 2025 federal election the Australian Government has assumed a caretaker role.

We are operating in accordance with caretaker conventions

United Nations human rights reporting

Australia is required to periodically report to and appear before the relevant United Nations human rights treaty bodies in relation to the implementation of the human rights treaties to which it is a party.

Australia is a party to the 7 core international human rights treaties.

Treaty reporting process

Australia’s participation in the treaty reporting process generally includes submitting periodic reports to United Nations treaty bodies, appearing before the relevant treaty body to undertake constructive dialogue, and receiving concluding observations and recommendations from the relevant treaty body on Australia’s compliance with its treaty obligations.

Periodic reports outline Australia’s treaty implementation and are due at intervals specified in the relevant treaty. Civil society and non-government organisations also have an opportunity to submit reports outlining their views on Australia’s compliance with its treaty obligations.

Australia’s appearance before a treaty body provides an opportunity for constructive dialogue on treaty compliance and implementation.

Concluding observations represent the treaty body’s views on Australia’s treaty compliance and implementation, including recommendations. Concluding observations do not extend the legally binding obligations of the relevant treaties to which Australia is a party.

The Australian Government considers all concluding observations in good faith. Concluding observations, including Australia’s response to them, inform the next periodic report under that specific treaty.

Universal Periodic Review

Australia also engages with the Universal Periodic Review process. The Universal Periodic Review is a United Nations human rights reporting process that aims to improve the human rights situation in all countries and address human rights violations wherever they occur. The United Nations Human Rights Council reviews the human rights records of all 193 member states every 4-5 years.

Human rights recommendations

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights maintains a Universal Human Rights Index to facilitate access to human rights recommendations for countries including Australia.

The Universal Human Rights Index for Australia includes recommendations issued by:

  • treaty bodies established under the international human rights treaties to which Australia is a party
  • Universal Periodic Reviews
  • Special Procedure mandate holders.