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Caretaker conventions now in place

Ahead of the 2025 federal election the Australian Government has assumed a caretaker role.

We are operating in accordance with caretaker conventions

Respect@Work Council Forum – Summary – 7 July 2022

Publication date

Summary of the Respect@Work Council Forum held on 7 July 2022.


Photos from the Respect@Work Council Forum held on 7 July 2022.

Attorney-General, the Hon Mark Dreyfus QC MP and Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins. The Attorney-General is wearing a navy suit with a red tie and Commissioner Jenkins is wearing a black blouse and blue blazer. Both are smiling.
Attorney-General, the Hon Mark Dreyfus QC MP and Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins. The Attorney-General is wearing a navy suit with a red tie and Commissioner Jenkins is wearing a black blouse and blue blazer. Both are smiling.
Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins provided opening remarks at the Forum. She is standing at the lectern wearing a black blouse and blue blazer.
Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins provided opening remarks at the Forum. She is standing at the lectern wearing a black blouse and blue blazer.
Attorney-General, the Hon Mark Dreyfus QC MP provided opening remarks at the Forum. He is standing at the lectern wearing a navy suit and red tie.
Attorney-General, the Hon Mark Dreyfus QC MP provided opening remarks at the Forum. He is standing at the lectern wearing a navy suit and red tie.
Attorney-General, the Hon Mark Dreyfus QC MP stands in the centre of the Respect@Work Council members who attended in person.
Attorney-General, the Hon Mark Dreyfus QC MP stands in the centre of the Respect@Work Council members who attended in person including (from left to right) Stephen McBurney, Australian Building and Construction Commissioner, Emma Golledge, Director, Kingsford Legal Centre, Sandra Parker PSM, Fair Work Ombudsman, Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins, the Hon Mary Wooldridge, Director, Workplace Gender Equality Agency, Alexi Boyd, Chief Executive Officer, Council of Small Business Organisations Australia and Dr Helen Watchirs OAM, ACT Human Rights Commission.
Attorney-General, the Hon Mark Dreyfus QC MP meets with the Respect@Work Council members.
Attorney-General, the Hon Mark Dreyfus QC MP meets with the Respect@Work Council members including Dr Helen Watchirs OAM, ACT Human Rights Commission, Sandra Parker PSM, Fair Work Ombudsman, Alexi Boyd, Chief Executive Officer, Council of Small Business Organisations Australia, the Hon Mary Wooldridge, Director, Workplace Gender Equality Agency, Michele O’Neil, President, Australian Council of Trade Unions, Michelle Baxter, Chief Executive Officer, Safe Work Australia, Murray Furlong, General Manager, Fair Work Commission, Commissioner Sarah McKinnon, Fair Work Commission, Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins, Emma Golledge, Director, Kingsford Legal Centre and Stephen McBurney, Australian Building and Construction Commissioner.
Jackie Burke, Director, Jackie Burke Psychology & Consulting, sits on the stage to facilitate a panel discussion.
Jackie Burke, Director, Jackie Burke Psychology & Consulting, sits on the stage to facilitate a panel discussion. Panel members include (from right to left) Emma Golledge, Director, Kingsford Legal Centre, Nicki Petrou, Director NT Working Women’s Centre, Frances Quan Farrant, Senior Policy and Research Officer, Women with Disabilities Australia, Nyadol Nyuon OAM, Chair, Harmony Alliance and Rachel Holt, Senior Executive, Investigation and Conciliation Service, Australian Human Rights Commission. Panellists sit on the stage facing the audience.