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Caretaker conventions now in place

Ahead of the 2025 federal election the Australian Government has assumed a caretaker role.

We are operating in accordance with caretaker conventions


No Recommendation Response Issue Population group
1 Ratify the international human rights instruments to which it is not a party and bring its international legal framework into line with international obligations

Notes (will not consider further at this time) International human rights treaty action N/A
2 Consider the ratification of human rights conventions to which it is not yet a State party

Notes (will not consider further at this time) International human rights treaty action N/A
3 Consider ratifying the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OP-CAT)

Accepts Conditions in detention, Criminal justice, Immigration detention, International human rights treaty action, Violence, abuse and mistreatment N/A
4 Consider favourably the ratification of OP-CAT

Accepts Conditions in detention, Criminal justice, Immigration detention, International human rights treaty action, Violence, abuse and mistreatment N/A
5 Take further steps towards ratifying OP-CAT

Accepts Conditions in detention, Criminal justice, Immigration detention, International human rights treaty action, Violence, abuse and mistreatment N/A
6 Initiate the accession procedure to OP-CAT

Accepts Conditions in detention, Criminal justice, Immigration detention, International human rights treaty action, Violence, abuse and mistreatment N/A
7 Ratify OP-CAT

Accepts Conditions in detention, Criminal justice, Immigration detention, International human rights treaty action, Violence, abuse and mistreatment N/A
8 Ratify OP-CAT

Accepts Conditions in detention, Criminal justice, Immigration detention, International human rights treaty action, Violence, abuse and mistreatment N/A
9 Ratify OP-CAT

Accepts Conditions in detention, Criminal justice, Immigration detention, International human rights treaty action, Violence, abuse and mistreatment N/A
10 Ratify OP-CAT

Accepts Conditions in detention, Criminal justice, Immigration detention, International human rights treaty action, Violence, abuse and mistreatment N/A
11 Ratify OP-CAT

Accepts Conditions in detention, Criminal justice, Immigration detention, International human rights treaty action, Violence, abuse and mistreatment N/A
12 Ratify OP-CAT

Accepts Conditions in detention, Criminal justice, Immigration detention, International human rights treaty action, Violence, abuse and mistreatment N/A
13 Ratify OP-CAT

Accepts Conditions in detention, Criminal justice, Immigration detention, International human rights treaty action, Violence, abuse and mistreatment N/A
14 Ratify OP-CAT

Accepts Conditions in detention, Criminal justice, Immigration detention, International human rights treaty action, Violence, abuse and mistreatment N/A
15 Ratify OP-CAT

Accepts Conditions in detention, Criminal justice, Immigration detention, International human rights treaty action, Violence, abuse and mistreatment N/A
16 Ratify OP-CAT

Accepts Conditions in detention, Criminal justice, Immigration detention, International human rights treaty action, Violence, abuse and mistreatment N/A
17 Ratify OP-CAT

Accepts Conditions in detention, Criminal justice, Immigration detention, International human rights treaty action, Violence, abuse and mistreatment N/A
18 Ratify OP-CAT

Accepts Conditions in detention, Criminal justice, Immigration detention, International human rights treaty action, Violence, abuse and mistreatment N/A
19 Ratify OP-CAT

Accepts Conditions in detention, Criminal justice, Immigration detention, International human rights treaty action, Violence, abuse and mistreatment N/A
20 Ratify the OP-CAT in keeping with the commitment undertaken by Australia during its previous UPR

Accepts Conditions in detention, Criminal justice, Immigration detention, International human rights treaty action, Violence, abuse and mistreatment N/A
21 Expedite the ratification of the OP-CAT and establish a National Preventive Mechanism for places of detention

Notes (will further consider) Conditions in detention, Criminal justice, Domestic legal, institutional and policy frameworks, Immigration detention, International human rights treaty action, Violence, abuse and mistreatment N/A
22 Ratify OP-CAT without further delay, as previously recommended

Accepts Conditions in detention, Criminal justice, Immigration detention, Implementation of recommendations and follow-up, International human rights treaty action, Violence, abuse and mistreatment N/A
23 Ratify and effectively implement, before its next UPR cycle, the OP-CAT

Notes (will further consider) Conditions in detention, Criminal justice, Immigration detention, International human rights treaty action, Violence, abuse and mistreatment N/A
24 Ratify OP-CAT and implement a National Preventative Mechanism

Notes (will further consider) Conditions in detention, Criminal justice, Domestic legal, institutional and policy frameworks, Immigration detention, International human rights treaty action, Violence, abuse and mistreatment N/A
25 Ratify OP-CAT and promptly implement it

Notes (will further consider) Conditions in detention, Criminal justice, Immigration detention, International human rights treaty action, Violence, abuse and mistreatment N/A
26 Expedite the ratification process of OP-CAT in order to allow for the early establishment of a National Preventive Mechanism

Notes (will further consider) Conditions in detention, Criminal justice, Domestic legal, institutional and policy frameworks, Immigration detention, International human rights treaty action, Violence, abuse and mistreatment N/A
27 Expedite the ratification process of OP-CAT in order to allow for the early establishment of a National Preventive Mechanism

Notes (will further consider) Conditions in detention, Criminal justice, Domestic legal, institutional and policy frameworks, Immigration detention, International human rights treaty action, Violence, abuse and mistreatment N/A
28 Speed up the process of the on-going consultations on the ratification of OP-CAT in the hope that the country ratifies this important instrument for the protection and promotion of human rights

Accepts Conditions in detention, Criminal justice, Immigration detention, International human rights treaty action, Violence, abuse and mistreatment N/A
29 Step up efforts to ratify the OP-CAT

Accepts Conditions in detention, Criminal justice, Immigration detention, International human rights treaty action, Violence, abuse and mistreatment N/A
30 Ratify the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (OP-ICESCR) Notes (will not consider further at this time) International human rights treaty action N/A