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Caretaker conventions now in place

Ahead of the 2025 federal election the Australian Government has assumed a caretaker role.

We are operating in accordance with caretaker conventions

Native Title Anthropologist Grant Program

The Native Title Anthropologist Grant Program has been run by the Attorney-General's Department since 2010 to improve the anthropology capacity of the native title sector. The program aims to support the resolution of native title claims, effective management of native title, and post-determination and compensation efforts. The program also seeks to further the objectives of the National Agreement on Closing the Gap.

Applications for the 2022-2025 grant round closed on 29 November 2022. Following an open, competitive selection process, grant funding was awarded to the following organisations:

  • Centre for Native Title Anthropology, Australian National University
  • Jamukurnu Yapalikurnu Aboriginal Corporation
  • Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation

The Grant Opportunity Guidelines for the 2022-2025 round are available online.

The Australian Government has centralised the administration of community-based grants. The Community Grants Hub administers grants on behalf of Australian Government departments, agencies and organisations who provide community grants to individuals and the community sector. To find out more about the Native Title Anthropologist Grants Program, including how to get notified of future grant opportunities, please visit the Community Grants Hub.

In 2022, Inside Policy, an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander owned consulting firm, completed an independent review of the Native Title Anthropologist Grant Program at the request of the Attorney-General's Department. The final review included interviews with relevant stakeholders in the native title sector.

We sought to implement the review's recommendations. This included highlighting compensation and post-determination work as a priority area for the program, convening a selection panel comprised of experts in the native title sector and First Nations academia that are external to the department, and reducing administrative requirements for grant applicants and recipients.

Please email with any queries about this grant program.

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