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Caretaker conventions now in place

Ahead of the 2025 federal election the Australian Government has assumed a caretaker role.

We are operating in accordance with caretaker conventions


Reviews of the National Partnership Agreement on Legal Assistance Services 2015-2020 (NPA) and the Indigenous Legal Assistance Program (ILAP)

In 2018, separate and concurrent reviews were undertaken of the NPA and the ILAP.

The reviews assessed the effectiveness, efficiency and appropriateness of the NPA and the ILAP as mechanisms for achieving their respective objectives and outcomes within available resources, and sought to identify best practice and opportunities for improvement.

The review of the NPA was supported by a Steering Committee and Advisory Group.

The NPA Steering Committee consisted of representatives from the department and counterparts in the states and territories. The Steering Committee provided strategic guidance and support and made key decisions as part of the review of the NPA.

The NPA Advisory Group consisted of representatives from legal assistance peak bodies, representatives from each jurisdiction's legal assistance sector, research organisations or industry bodies and eminent persons with expertise in the sector.

The Review of the ILAP was supported by an Advisory Group. The ILAP Advisory Group comprised of representatives from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services in each state and territory, national legal assistance sector peak bodies and research organisations or industry bodies and eminent persons with expertise in the sector.

Outcomes from these reviews have informed the National Legal Assistance Partnership 2020-25.

Download the Final Report for the Review of the NPA

Download the Final Report for the Review of the ILAP

Access to Justice Arrangements – Productivity Commission Inquiry Report

On 3 December 2014, the Productivity Commission released its report on access to justice arrangements. The Productivity Commission considered Australia's system of civil dispute resolution, with a focus on constraining costs and promoting access to justice and equality before the law.

The inquiry report makes a number of recommendations to improve the operation of the legal assistance sector, and the civil justice system more broadly.

Read a copy on on the Productivity Commission website.

Review of the National Partnership Agreement on Legal Assistance Services 2010-2015

On 3 July 2014, ACIL Allen Consulting published its review of the 2010 National Partnership Agreement on Legal Assistance Services and Australian Government-funded legal assistance programs.

The final report for the Review of the National Partnership Agreement on Legal Assistance Services 2010-2015 is available on the ACIL Allen Consulting website.