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Caretaker conventions now in place

Ahead of the 2025 federal election the Australian Government has assumed a caretaker role.

We are operating in accordance with caretaker conventions

Public housing reports

Section 24JAA of the Native Title Act 1993 sets out the processes that must be followed for the construction, maintenance and use of public housing and infrastructure on Indigenous-held land that is, or may be, subject to native title.

Section 24JAA requires government bodies (usually a state or territory government agency or local council) undertaking the public infrastructure development to notify relevant native title parties of the acts to be done and consult with those parties about the proposed acts.

Following consultation, the government body must provide the Australian Government minister (currently the Attorney-General) with a report on the notification and consultation process as required under section 24JAA(16).

Consultation reports should be sent to the Attorney-General, c/o the Native Title and Priority Reforms Branch within the Attorney-General's Department at

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