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Freedom of information disclosure log

Australian Government agencies must publish on their websites details of information they release in response to freedom of information requests.

FOI Disclosure Log

They are required to do so under Subsection 11C(3) of the Freedom of Information Act 1982.

Set out below are descriptions of information and documents we have released.

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For details on how to make an FOI request, visit the Freedom of Information page.

An archived version of the Archived freedom of information guidelines and memoranda webpage is available on Trove.

Description and dates of documents released under Freedom of Information

Reference number Date of access Sort ascending Request Info published Decision maker
FOI15/214 10/02/2016 Ministerial submissions or similar briefings, regarding Australian citizen and Al Qaeda member Mathew Stewart.?? Three documents released in part. Department
FOI16/006 21/01/2016 Documents listed on the Trusted Information Sharing Network for Critical Infrastructure Resilience website which are not publicly available for download. Four documents released in full. Department
FOI15/216 18/01/2016 Any document which lists the names of each agency which is not authorised to access telecommunications metadata under 176A of the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act, which has requested such authorisation either by seeking to be declared an enforcement agency under the act, or seeking authorisation external to 176A(3) Two documents released in part. Department
FOI15/217 18/01/2016 Any document which lists agencies which are not authorised to access telecommunications metadata under the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979, and are looking to be declared as an enforcement agency. Two documents released in part. Department
FOI13/161 08/01/2016 Documents relating to: All briefs (and related attachments to briefs and any other related materials) prepared in the event of a returned Labor Government (referred to as 'the Red Book'); All briefs (and related attachments to briefs and any other related materials) prepared in the event of a newly elected Coalition Government (referred to as 'the Blue Book'); Any other materials, including any briefs providing an overview of the Attorney-General's Portfolio and the Related Support Services (referred to as 'the administration brief’). One document released in part. Department
FOI15/173 05/01/2016 Documents related to grants and funding of the Australia Council and National Program for Excellence in the Arts Five documents released in full and eight documents released in part. Department
FOI15/232 21/12/2015 (1) Rules, guidelines, policies, practices and procedures governing the compiling and updating of the list of Australian Government FOI Contact Officers; and (2) All documents recording, referable to, referring to or relating to the decision to stop updating the list of Australian Government FOI Contact Officers; and (3) All documents recording, referable to, referring to or relating to the decision to remove the list of Australian Government FOI Contact Officers from the agency's website; and (4) All documents recording, referable to, referring to or relating to the handling of my request of 6 January 2015 pursuant to section 15 of FOI Act. One document released in full and three documents released in part. Department
FOI15/157 15/12/2015 Documents relating to research or analysis on the effect of investor dispute settlement clauses on the operations of the Australian Government and the Australian legal system, dated from September 2013 onwards. One document released in full and eight documents released in part. Department
FOI15/199 14/12/2015 Documents provided to the department by the Australian Crime Commission and the Australian Federal Police, regarding lever action shotguns with a seven round capacity. One document released in full and 18 documents released in part. Department
FOI15/213 26/11/2015 Documents relating to the number of calls to the National Security Hotline. One document released in full. Department
FOI15/200 24/11/2015 All documents, emails and correspondence between the Attorney-General’s Department and the Department of Communications related to the handing over of responsibility for copyright from the Attorney-General’s Department to the Department of Communications and Arts between 20 and 27 September 2015 Ten documents released in part. Department
FOI15/141 10/11/2015 Documents relating to the Commonwealth Law Enforcement Board, created between December 1993 and December 1994, which also refer to one of the specified named individuals or law enforcement operations. One document released in part. Department
FOI15/171 02/11/2015 Documents relating to videos and presentations created in relation to the Government’s ‘Cutting Red Tape’ initiative, being for the most recent and second most recent presentations only. Two documents released in full and two documents released in part. Department
FOI15/192 30/10/2015 Documents relating to information and documentation about expert and expert advice referred to in a firearm import application decision. One document released in part. Department
FOI15/179 28/10/2015 Files 14/10712 and 14/1062 (matters relating to foreign fighters), excluding Cabinet and deliberative material as well as information relating to non-government individuals Two documents released in full and six documents released with redaction Department
FOI15/198 19/10/2015 The document/s returned to the Department, from the Minister's Office, in relation to Sub. No.: MS15-000279 ('Appropriate treatment of lever action shotguns with a magazine capacity of greater than five rounds'). One document released in part. Department
FOI15/115 14/10/2015 From 1 July 2014 to the present, all discussion and documentation relating to the performance of the legal service operated by the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre and/or compliance of this service with Commonwealth requirements, excluding duplicate documents and including only the most recent email when an email chain has been saved as multiple documents. One document released in full and six documents released in part. Department
FOI15/165 14/10/2015 Documents relating to ministerial briefs, and correspondence between Senator Brandis and the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, regarding Freedom of Information practices and performance in government and the future of the OAIC, for the period 1 July 2014 to 19 August 2015. Two documents released in full and one document released in part. Department
FOI15/110 07/10/2015 Departmental file 14/14112 ILAB: Countering Foreign Terrorist Fighters - CT Ambassador Delegation to Turkey - November 2014. One document released in full and 17 documents released in part. Department
FOI15/132 06/10/2015 Documents produced in the last two years containing information including briefings and/or analysis and/or evaluation and/or assessments and/or reports about:
(a) Specific instances of non-compliance by the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre
(b) Warnings given to the TAC by the Attorney-General’s department
(c) Reasons why the TAC’s funding application for its TALS was rejected
(d) Concerns held by the A-G’s Department about the overall running of the TAC
(e) Funding agreements and/or breaches of funding agreements within the TAC
(f) Payment practices at the TAC and/or law firm Beeton and Mansell
Five documents released in full and 48 documents released in part. Department