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Freedom of information disclosure log

Australian Government agencies must publish on their websites details of information they release in response to freedom of information requests.

FOI Disclosure Log

They are required to do so under Subsection 11C(3) of the Freedom of Information Act 1982.

Set out below are descriptions of information and documents we have released.

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For details on how to make an FOI request, visit the Freedom of Information page.

An archived version of the Archived freedom of information guidelines and memoranda webpage is available on Trove.

Description and dates of documents released under Freedom of Information

Reference number Date of access Sort ascending Request Info published Decision maker
FOI17/006 17/01/2017 Documents that detail the total expenditure of the Attorney-General’s Department in developing, or assisting to develop, the National Gender and Emergency Management Guidelines. One document released in full. Department
FOI16/169 01/12/2016 Documents mentioning ties between the Attorney-General and the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) candidate prior to Mr Tavoularis’ AAT appointment. Two documents released in part. Department
FOI16/166 24/11/2016 The Minister for Justice's Question Time Brief on the Adler shotgun as current on 25 October 2016. One document release in part Department
FOI16/147 04/11/2016 Correspondence from 2009 in relation to airsoft in Australia. Two documents released in part. Department
FOI16/155 04/11/2016 Documents or records detailing:
The total amount of applications made to the Attorney-General for financial assistance under section 46PU of the Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (“s46PU financial assistance”) since 1 July 2011
- the total amount of applications for s46PU financial assistance that have been accepted by the Attorney General since 1 July 2011
- the total cost to the Attorney-General’s Department of providing s46PU financial assistance since 1 July 2011.
One document released in full. Department
FOI16/154 03/11/2016 Emails containing links to media articles and publicly available interviews with the Prime Minister about the recent travel to Iraq by Wyatt Roy, and agreed responses to questions on this subject. Two documents released in full. Five documents released in part. Department
FOI16/135 28/10/2016 An information paper authored by the Australian Airsoft Council on the sport of airsoft One document released in full. Department
FOI16/141 17/10/2016 Documents indicating the dates and duration of consultation between the Attorney General’s Department and other agencies regarding the framework for the plebiscite on same-sex marriage (excluding the substance of any meetings). 12 documents released in part. Department
FOI16/118 10/10/2016 Documents relating to changes to firearm importation regulations, specifically:
- The Consultation Paper referred to in the Explanatory Statement for the Customs (Prohibited Imports) Amendment Regulations 2008 (No. 6) (Select Legislative Instrument 2008 No. 255) as having been provided to industry stakeholders, inviting submissions in relation to these amending Regulations.
- Copies of any submissions or other input lodged by the ACT Government (including but not restricted to the ACT Firearms Registry) and the Australian Federal Police related to the changes proposed in the above Explanatory Statement related to the physical appearance of firearms and restrictions on importation of firearms that resemble fully automatic firearms.
One document released in full. Department
FOI16/109 15/09/2016 Documents relating to any correspondence, emails, documents, notes or details of telephone calls to and from Vodafone regarding stories in the Sun Herald in January 2011 about a breach of security of the telco's database. Two documents released in full. Department
FOI16/100 05/09/2016 Documents, since September 1, 2015, relating to de-radicalisation programs or programs targeting children/students who are at risk of having been brainwashed by ISIS. Specifically: the number of students/children who have been put into these programs;
the circumstances in which they have been put into these programs;
how these programs work (terms of reference);
the origin of these programs;
what happens upon completion of these programs.
Four documents released in part. Department
FOI16/089 26/08/2016 Documents relating to the number of:
- applications by people seeking registration to become a marriage celebrant each year, by de-identified Registered Training Organisation
- marriage celebrants registered and removed from the register of marriage celebrants, broken down by reason for removal from the register
for each calendar year during the period 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2015.
One document released in full. Department
FOI16/075 15/08/2016 Communications between the Attorney General’s Department, the Attorney-General’s Office and staff from the Australian Christian Lobby regarding the same-sex marriage plebiscite since August 2015. One document released in part. Department
FOI16/074 05/08/2016 Documents relating to the Industry Consultation on National Security consultative body (ICONS) meetings in 2014 and 2016. One document released in full and 20 documents released in part. Department
FOI16/053 26/07/2016 Documents relating to Mr Sirul Azhar Umar. 26 documents released in full and three documents released in part. Department
FOI16/034 07/06/2016 Documents relating to any reports or legal advice (dated 2014 to present) on proscribing Hizb ut-Tahrir as a terrorist organisation in Australia or banning Hizb ut-Tahrir in Australia. 11 documents released in part. Department
FOI15/223 29/02/2016 Documents required to be provided under Funding Agreements between the department and the Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia Incorporated for the financial year 2013-2014 Four documents released in full and 20 documents released in part. Department
FOI15/221 22/02/2016 The first five documents in a list of documents constituting correspondence in which an organisation requests that it be added to the list of authorised agencies able to access retained metadata under the data retention legislation. Five documents released in part. Department
FOI16/009 15/02/2016 Documents relating to correspondence and analysis from 2004 and 2005 that mentions legislative changes relating to veterans' compensation laws. Two documents released in part. Department
FOI16/014 11/02/2016 Documents relating to a proposal from the Australian Paintball Industry Association, regarding the importation of semi-automatic paintball markers, prior to the legislative changes amending legislation restricting their importation. ?? One document released in part. Department