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Freedom of information disclosure log

Australian Government agencies must publish on their websites details of information they release in response to freedom of information requests.

FOI Disclosure Log

They are required to do so under Subsection 11C(3) of the Freedom of Information Act 1982.

Set out below are descriptions of information and documents we have released.

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For details on how to make an FOI request, visit the Freedom of Information page.

An archived version of the Archived freedom of information guidelines and memoranda webpage is available on Trove.

Description and dates of documents released under Freedom of Information

Reference number Date of access Sort ascending Request Info published Decision maker
FOI18/011 23/03/2018 Documents relating to prosecutions for treason, sedition, treachery and espionage between January 2012 and November 2017. One document released in full. 11 documents released in part. Department
FOI18/021 15/03/2018 Information provided by the department to the Attorney-General or the Attorney-General's office regarding the eligibility of MPs under s44. Four documents released in full. Department
FOI18/020 14/03/2018 All documents contained within the department's file numbered 17/3885 (OCL Royal Succession Part 2) - as listed in the department’s Indexed File List Jan-Jun 2017. Five documents released in part, four documents released in full. Department
FOI17/190 20/02/2018 Correspondence received by the Attorney-General’s Department on 3 December 2017, regarding correspondence between Indonesia and Australia in relation to Schapelle Corby. Two documents released in full, one released in part. Department
FOI17/177 08/02/2018 Topics list for briefs created in preparation for hearings of Senate 2016-2017 Supplementary Budget Estimates. One document released in full. Department
FOI17/156 08/12/2017 Documents relating to the government’s proposal to introduce legislation to oblige communications industry stakeholders to decrypt telecommunications and other data. Ten documents released in part. Department
FOI17/166 23/11/2017 The independent privacy impact assessment conducted on the use of the Face Verification Service (FVS) by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Australian Federal Police to access data held by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection. Two documents released in full. Two documents released in part. Department
FOI17/170 15/11/2017 The Protective Security Policy Framework 2015-16 Compliance Report. One document released in full. Department
FOI17/150 09/11/2017 Ministerial submissions, briefing notes, deliberative documents or similar documents which substantively relate to the possibility of allowing private sector access to the National Facial Biometric Matching Capability, Facial Verification Service or Central Interoperability Hub from January 2015 to October 2017. One document released in full. Two documents released in part. Department
FOI17/146 30/10/2017 Correspondence received by the Attorney-General’s Department, during the period of 8 August 2017 and 18 August 2017, regarding citizenship-related eligibility issues for members of Parliament. One document released in part. Department
FOI17/160 26/10/2017 Commonly asked questions and answers - home affairs MoG arrangements One document released in full. Department
FOI17/151 24/10/2017 Documents concerning the drafting instructions given to the Office of Parliamentary Counsel or other agency responsible for drafting the section 6(1) definition of 'personal information' and definition of 'de-identified' in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). One document released in part. Department
FOI17/108 13/10/2017 Communications between the Attorney-General's Department, the Attorney-General George Brandis, and the selection committee concerning the appointment of the human rights commissioner position in May 2016. Three documents released in full and 33 documents released in part. Nine documents exempt in full. Department
FOI17/152 29/09/2017 Documents concerning current policies, procedures, and guidelines relating to the administration of leave-related issues. One document released in full. Department
FOI17/093 05/09/2017 Documents relating to the classification of the ‘C-More M26 straight-pull shotgun’ under the Customs (Prohibited Imports) Regulations 1956 (Cth). Nine documents released in part. Department
FOI17/106 01/09/2017 Talking points or similar documents relating to immigration and terrorism cases in the Victorian courts since 1 January 2017. Three documents released in full. Five documents released in part. Department
FOI17/104 28/07/2017 Documents produced in the last two years relating to actions against Hizb ut-Tahrir. Eight documents released in part. Department
FOI17/114 28/07/2017 The Protective Security Policy Framework 2015-16 Compliance Report and the Protective Security Policy Framework 2014-15 Compliance Report. One document released in part. Department
FOI17/107 14/07/2017 The travel itinerary, including itemised official and unofficial appointments, and the costs associated with each, relating to the visit by Senator George Brandis to Italy in May 2015. Three documents released in part. Department
FOI17/073 12/07/2017 Ministerial briefings since 1 July 2016 on the operation of the FOI Act. Three publically available documents released in full; and three documents released in part. Department