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Trans-Tasman Proceedings Regime

Australia and New Zealand have introduced a regime to streamline the processes for managing and resolving civil and criminal proceedings, where elements of the proceedings span both countries. The aim of this regime is to reduce the costs associated with litigation, improve efficiency and minimise the existing barriers to enforcing judgments and regulatory sanctions between the two countries.

It is now easier for you to:

  • start Australian court proceedings against a person located in New Zealand
  • ask for cases that were started in New Zealand to be heard before Australian courts in certain circumstances
  • have a person located in New Zealand give evidence in certain Australian proceedings
  • appear by audio or video link in New Zealand certain court proceedings
  • have a broader range of Australian court judgments recognised and enforced in New Zealand, more easily.

Fact sheets

Background and history

The regime is underpinned by the Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of New Zealand on Trans-Tasman Court Proceedings and Regulatory Enforcement (the Treaty), signed by both countries in Christchurch in 2008.