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Freedom of information disclosure log

Australian Government agencies must publish on their websites details of information they release in response to freedom of information requests.

FOI Disclosure Log

They are required to do so under Subsection 11C(3) of the Freedom of Information Act 1982.

Set out below are descriptions of information and documents we have released.

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If a third party holds copyright in some of the published information, you may need to seek their permission before you can reuse that material.

For details on how to make an FOI request, visit the Freedom of Information page.

An archived version of the Archived freedom of information guidelines and memoranda webpage is available on Trove.

Description and dates of documents released under Freedom of Information

Reference number Date of access Sort ascending Request Info published Decision maker
FOI23/081 02/06/2023 Ministerial briefing notes, and correspondence between the Federal Attorney-General and Queensland Attorney-General, regarding Queensland's voluntary assisted dying scheme. One document released in full and 6 documents released in part. Department
FOI23/148 01/06/2023 A dispute notice document from the Financial Services Royal Commission. One document released in part. Department
FOI23/087 01/06/2023 Consultations undertaken for the purpose of s 17D of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975 between 1 July 2016 and 30 June 2018. 2 documents released in full and 8 documents released in part. Department
FOI23/143 25/05/2023 Documents regarding the Attorney-General’s media roundtable held on 27 February 2023. 2 documents released in full and 1 document released in part. Department
FOI23/147 24/05/2023 Documents that contain information on the objectives, priorities, current work or specific initiatives of the Hon Matt Thistlethwaite MP, in his capacity as Assistant Minister for the Republic. 4 documents released in part. Department
FOI23/065 15/05/2023 Documents regarding the extradition of Mr Daniel Duggan. 3 documents released in full and 21 documents released in part, with 6 documents withheld pending third-party review rights. Department
FOI23/172 12/05/2023 Correspondence about Safe Schools Declaration. 1 document released in part. Department
FOI23/153 10/05/2023 Instruments of appointment for Judges and Solicitors-General. 12 documents released in full and 7 documents released in part. Department
FOI23/104 08/05/2023 Any documentation that was before the Attorney-General to consider the settlement, and the record of the decision in the matter of CFMMEU v ABCC & Ors (VID172/2022) 4 documents released in full Department
FOI23/102 05/05/2023 Documents relating to security incidents at embassies and consulates in Australia since 1 January 2022. 82 documents released in part. Department
FOI23/107 01/05/2023 Summary of legal expenses incurred by the Australian Government in defending the tobacco plain packaging cases at the World Trade Organisation. One document released in part. Department
FOI23/135 28/04/2023 Documents regarding the issuance of a public interest certificate by former Attorney-General George Brandis. 2 documents released in full. 4 documents released in part.
View documents for FOI23/135
FOI23/075 24/04/2023 A breakdown of each expense item for the event titled ‘All staff event welcoming the Hon. Mark Dreyfus QC MP, Attorney General’ that was mentioned in a Question on Notice, Question Number 288, as well as external and internal correspondence/communications relating to the event. 5 documents released in part.
View documents for FOI23/075
FOI23/076 24/04/2023 A breakdown of each expense item for the event titled ‘Event welcoming the Hon Tony Burke MP,’ that was mentioned in a Question on Notice, Question Number 288, as well as external and internal correspondence/communications relating to the event. 6 documents released in part.
View documents for FOI23/076
FOI23/078 24/04/2023 Documents showing costs for the Family Law Council Meeting Dinner mentioned in Question on Notice 288. 4 documents released in part. Department
FOI23/152 21/04/2023 Material prepared for the Attorney-General’s Media Roundtable of 27 February 2023 regarding Julian Assange. 1 document released in part. Department
FOI23/119 18/04/2023 Copies of two of the department’s Privacy Impact Assessments. 2 documents released in part. Department
FOI23/116 17/04/2023 Previous versions of certain Commonwealth protective security policies. 34 documents released in full. Department
FOI22/316-IR 31/03/2023 Documents between the Attorney-General's Office, the Attorney-General's Department, and the Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC) regarding the settlement of Lendlease Building Contractors Pty Limited v ABCC. Internal review of decision. 2 documents released in full and 9 documents released in part. Department
FOI22/341 22/03/2023 Documents relating to Iain Anderson’s appointment as Commonwealth Ombudsman. 2 documents released in full and 11 documents released in part. Department