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Independent Reviewer of Adverse Security Assessments

Reviewing ASIO adverse security assessments

The Independent Reviewer of Adverse Security Assessments conducts reviews of Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) adverse security assessments (ASAs) given to the Department of Home Affairs (Home Affairs) in relation to people who:

  • remain in immigration detention
  • have been found by Home Affairs to be owed protection obligations under international law, and
  • are ineligible for a permanent protection visa, or have had their permanent protection visa cancelled, because they are the subject of an ASA.

As part of a review, the Independent Reviewer:

  • examines all material ASIO has relied upon to make the ASA and other relevant material, including information from the applicant
  • provides a written opinion, and recommendations as appropriate, to the Director-General of Security on whether the ASA was appropriate, and
  • provides copies of the written opinion to the Attorney-General, the Minister for Home Affairs and the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security.

The Director-General must respond to the Independent Reviewer and may take action if they agree with the Independent Reviewer's opinion. The Independent Reviewer will advise the applicant of the outcome of the review and the Director-General's response.

The Independent Reviewer also reviews ASAs for eligible persons annually.

Mr Philip Moss AM has been appointed as the Independent Reviewer of Adverse Security Assessments from 17 January 2022 until 10 July 2025.

Reporting requirements

The Independent Reviewer provides statistics to include in ASIO's Annual Report to Parliament.


Contact details

Independent Reviewer of Adverse Security Assessments
c/o Security and Counter-Terrorism Division
Attorney-General's Department
3-5 National Circuit

Further information

Complaints about the activities of intelligence agencies can be made to the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security.