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Advocating terrorism offences

Advocating terrorism

It is an offence to advocate doing a terrorist act or committing a terrorism offence. A person commits this offence if they do so intentionally and are reckless as to whether another person will engage in a terrorist act or commit a terrorism offence.

A person advocates terrorism if they do any of the following:

  • counsel, promote, encourage or urge anyone to do a terrorist act or commit a terrorism offence
  • provide instruction on how to do a terrorist act or commit a terrorism offence
  • praise anyone for doing a terrorist act or committing a terrorism offence if there is a substantial risk that such praise may lead another person to engage in a terrorist act or to commit a terrorism offence.

If found guilty of advocating terrorism, a person could face up to 7 years imprisonment.

Terrorism offences are defined in subsection 3(1) of the Crimes Act 1914. They include:

  • explosives and lethal devices
  • treason
  • foreign incursions and recruitment
  • terrorist acts or terrorist organisations.

There is a defence available for certain acts done in good faith. This defence protects the implied freedom of political communication. For example, it specifically excludes from the offence publishing a report or commentary about a matter of public interest in good faith.

Contact details

The National Security Hotline is the single point of contact for the public to report possible signs of terrorism. Every piece of information is treated seriously, as it could be vital in preventing a terrorist act.

The hotline also provides information to callers on a wide range of national security matters.

If you see anything suspicious, report it to the National Security Hotline:

Call: 1800 123 400
From outside Australia: (+61) 1300 123 401
SMS: 0498 562 549
TTY: 1800 234 889