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Freedom of information disclosure log

Australian Government agencies must publish on their websites details of information they release in response to freedom of information requests.

FOI Disclosure Log

They are required to do so under Subsection 11C(3) of the Freedom of Information Act 1982.

Set out below are descriptions of information and documents we have released.

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To obtain copies of previous documents, email:


If you wish to reuse the information on the FOI disclosure log, you need to consider the copyright issues. Refer to our Copyright statement for information about the copyright of material we produce and publish on the disclosure log.

If a third party holds copyright in some of the published information, you may need to seek their permission before you can reuse that material.

For details on how to make an FOI request, visit the Freedom of Information page.

An archived version of the Archived freedom of information guidelines and memoranda webpage is available on Trove.

Description and dates of documents released under Freedom of Information

Reference number Date of access Sort ascending Request Info published Decision maker
CM11/18218 22/06/2011 Request for Swingtown: The complete season One - Authorised Television Series Assessor (ATSA) Recommendation Report One document released in part. Department
CM11/17452 21/06/2011 Request for Party Down Season Two Authorised Television Series Assessor (ATSA) Recommendation Report One document released in part. Department