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Freedom of information disclosure log

Australian Government agencies must publish on their websites details of information they release in response to freedom of information requests.

FOI Disclosure Log

They are required to do so under Subsection 11C(3) of the Freedom of Information Act 1982.

Set out below are descriptions of information and documents we have released.

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Description and dates of documents released under Freedom of Information

Reference number Date of access Sort ascending Request Info published Decision maker
FOI19/248 14/02/2020 Document released containing a breakdown of the number of submissions that the department logged (as at COB 13 January 2020) in response to consultation on the first exposure drafts of the Religious Discrimination Bill 2019, Religious Discrimination (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2019, and Human Rights Legislation Amendment (Freedom of Religion) Bill 2019. One document was released in full. Department
FOI20/004 10/02/2020 Document providing statistics on International Transfer of Prisoners Scheme between Australian and the United Kingdom 2017-2019 One document was released in full. Department
FOI20/008 07/02/2020 Documents relating to amounts paid to witnesses of Case Study 50 of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse Two documents were released in part. Department
FOI19/278 29/01/2020 Documents relating to reviewers of the Final Report of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, including documents relating to what was reviewed, how and why reviewers were selected and amounts paid. Six documents released in full and 62 documents released in part. Department
FOI19/250 24/01/2020 Documents mentioning the name "Tony Abbott" created, sent or received by SES employees in the Integrity and International Group between 1 March 2019 to 4 November 2019. Three documents released in full and 23 documents released in part​. Department
FOI19/276 23/01/2020 Documents relating to advice about laws imposing civil penalties on secondary boycotts that cause "substantial loss or damage" relevant to environmental activism. Four documents released in part and 12 documents exempt in full. Department
FOI19/277 22/01/2020 Documents relating to witness fees for Case Study 50 of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse and the Royal Commission’s decision not to publish Literature Review. Three documents released in full and two documents released in part. Department
FOI16/146 20/01/2020 Documents relating to the Attorney-General's Department led review of the Commonwealth Courts. Two documents released in part. Department
FOI19/260 20/01/2020 Documents relating to environmental activism/advocacy and economic disruption, resource projects or the coal sector. ​ 11 documents released in part and 11 documents exempt in full. Department
FOI19/247 24/12/2019 Documents relating to appointments to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal between 1 October 2018 and 21 February 2019. One document released in full, 29 documents released in part, and 17 documents exempt in full. Department
FOI19/254 17/12/2019 All documents relating to a particular NSW Police Force report. In particular, all documents which confirm the death of Father James Michael Leslie Brown (b. 28/02/1949) Six documents released in part. Department
FOI19/262 17/12/2019 The Department’s Freedom of Information business rules, guidelines, manuals and templates. 23 documents released in full Department
FOI19/240 13/12/2019 Documents and correspondence relating to an application by a registered lobbyist
firm, GC Advisory Ptd Ltd, to add the client Saber Astronautics Pty Ltd as a client.
Two documents released in full, two documents released in part Department
FOI19/256 06/12/2019 The current version or the most recent previous version of policies, guidelines, codes of practice and procedures governing the decision-making process relating to the following:

a. the imposition of charges for processing requests made under Part III of the FOI Act; and

b. the postponement, reduction and remission of charges for processing requests made under Part III of the FOI Act.
Three documents released in full. Department
FOI19/226 25/11/2019 Any document relating to the content of the Department of the Attorney General's advice OR the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecution's advice on the Australian Capital Territory's Drugs of Dependence (Personal Cannabis Use) Amendment Bill 2018 created between 17 September 2019 and 26 September 2019, excluding the advice dated 23 September sent by Sarah Chidgey to Richard Glenn. Three documents released in full, 13 documents released in part and eight documents exempt in full. Department
FOI19/228 25/11/2019 Correspondence between the Office of the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions and the office of Attorney-General, Christian Porter, related to consideration of the ACT’s Drugs of Dependence (Personal Cannabis Use) Amendment Bill 2018.

- Briefings prepared for the Attorney-General, Christian Porter, regarding the ACT’s Drugs of Dependence (Personal Cannabis Use) Amendment Bill 2018.

- Documents informing any advice or briefings related to the ACT’s Drugs of Dependence (Personal Cannabis Use) Amendment Bill 2018.
Three documents released in full, six documents released in part and 11 documents exempt in full. Department
FOI19/255 20/11/2019 Any documents which answer the following questions:

I.a. Who were the leadwriter(s) of each of the 3 books of Volume 16? (A catholic organisation's online newsletter states Crittendon was 'Lead Writer- Religious Institutions Volume')

l.b. [. .. ] Who wrote books 1 and 3 of volume 16?

1. c. Did any of the six Commissioners review Volume 16, Book 2, and provide feedback; if so which ones?

l.d Any guidelines or writing policies that were provided to the writers of Volume 16, Book 2

I.e. A list of anyone who was not a Commission employee who was given a copy of Volume 16, Book 2 prior to the Final Report being ade publicly available, and the reason they were given it: eg was it in order to provide feedback or review, or for some other reason.

2. a. What, if any, policies did the Commission have regarding conflicts of interest for commissioners, employees, contractors, and researchers?

2.b. If there any policies regarding this for Australian royal commissions overall what are they?

2. c. If there are any policies regarding conflicts of interest for Australian commonwealth public servants that are applicable to royal commissions what are they.

3.a. Was there any type of tender or application process for the external research funded by the Commission?

3.b. Who made the decisions regarding research funding given to Australian Catholic University and RMIT?

3. c. What was the process for deciding who research funding was given to, and who had overall responsibility for the allocation of research funds?

4. List of reviewers and advisory group members for the following reports:

• Assessing the different dimensions and degrees of risk of child sexual abuse in institutions

• Risk profiles for institutional child sexual abuse

• Our Safety Counts: Children and young people's perceptions of safety and institutional responses to their safety concerns

• Taking us seriously: Children and young people talk about safety and institutional responses to their safety concerns

• Safe and sound: Exploring the safety of young people in residential care.

• Grooming and child sexual abuse in institutional contexts (PDF)

5. Names of the writers of Creating child safe institutions
12 documents released in full. Department
FOI19/245 18/11/2019 Documents, communications or correspondence between:

1. The Registered Organisations Commissioner and the Attorney-General; and

2. The Registered Organisations Commissioner and the Attorney-General's Department, in the period 1 July 2019 to 30 September 2019 in relation to the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Ensuring Integrity) Bi11 2019 (Cth).
Five documents released in full, 10 documents released in part. Department
FOI19/192 14/11/2019 (1) all documents containing correspondence between the Attorney-General (or his office) and the Department during the period 18 December 2018 to 23 July 2019 relating to "Measure 6" in the Report (the recommendation relating to merit based-appointments);

(2) all documents containing correspondence between the Attorney-General (or his office) and the Department during the period 18 December 2018 to 23 July 2019 relating to whether and when the Report should be released publicly; and

(3) all documents containing correspondence between the Attorney-General (or his office) and the Department during the period 1 December 2018 to 21 February 2019 relating to appointments to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, including (but not limited to):

• all documents containing correspondence between the Attorney-General (or his office) and the Department during the period 1 December 2018 to 21 February 2019 relating to the appointment of William Frost, Fiona Zuccala, and Joseph Francis to the administrative Appeals Tribunal; and

• all documents containing correspondence between the Attorney-General (or his office) and the Department during the period 1 December 2018 to 21 February 2019 relating to the reappointment of Gary Humphries to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.
Three documents released in full, 54 documents released in part, and Department
FOI19/223 11/11/2019 Any reports, briefs, documents, memos, notes or emails created by the department in the 12 months prior to 25 September 2019 (inclusive) that relate to consultation regarding any extension of the Fair Entitlement Guarantee program to migrant workers. Five documents released in full and 41 documents released in part. Department